
Laten we ‘spanning facilitators’ worden voor een utopische toekomst (NL)
Beste toekomstvormer, Hier spreekt een coalitie van hoop. Hoop in het donker, zoals de activistische onderzoeker Rebecca Solnit het uitdrukt. Donker, ...

Let’s become tension facilitators for the sake of utopia (EN)
Dear future-shaper, This is a Coalition of Hope speaking. Hope in the dark, as the activist scholar Rebecca Solnit puts it. Dark, perhaps, because of the ...

Room from the Future: What does it feel like to live in a degrowth world in 2112?
On November 1, nine students from the Sustainable Development master’s at Utrecht University presented their collective scenario project, ‘Room from the ...

Join our coalition of hope.
This November, we start building a Coalition of Hope: a network for people that want to be part of a joint exploration into the post-fossil good life. Last ...

A journey towards the post-fossil good life begins.
In 2022 the global transition to a post-fossil world suddenly came to the top of the political agenda. For a long time, ‘low-carbon transitions’ were ...