Academy of Hope

Coalition of Hope

How might the climate crisis lead us toward better lives?
Reflections from a Coalition of Hope.

In the ’22-’23 academic year, the Academy of Hope supervised master’s students under the overarching theme ‘the post-fossil good life’. We challenged and helped six students develop thesis projects that lie close to their hearts, emphasize the socio-cultural dimensions of sustainability transitions, and contribute to local transformation processes. In the video underneath, the students provide an introduction into their work:



In the period of November 2022 – February 2022, we invited a group of practitioners active in sustainability transitions (e.g. sustainability research, sustainable finance, regenerative farming/teaching) to team up with these students to collaboratively explore what a post-fossil good life might look like, what personal and professional challenges we encounter as we try to commit ourselves hereto, and how we might engage with these in meaningful ways. Curious about what they did and found? In the blog post below, the group shares its journey and invites you to become nothing less than a ‘tension facilitator’.yellow button, black text 'READ THE BLOG POST'Do you have a question, or would you like to collaborate? You can reach us at